What Fast Food Does To Our Children

There are so many different affects that fast food can have on people, especially children. Some of these affects might actually come as a shock to many people because we all only look at the obvious (heart failure, kidney disease, etc), but the unexpected affects are probably some of the worst affects. Children that eat…

Fast Foods Downfalls (Beyond The Menu)

When we go into restaurants, it is very, very, very rare that you’ll see a chart full nutrition chart for every item on the menu. Restaurants might show their customers the calories in the items on the menu, but calories aren’t the only thing that matters when it comes down to food intake. Sodium, trans…

Fast Food Companies Bribing Children With Toys

“The use of toy premiums in fast food TV advertising for children’s meals prompt children to request eating at fast food restaurants”. This is what previous studies has shown us. Yet we still continue to let our children be subliminally seduced by these fast food ads and parents fall for the propaganda and buy their…

This Crazy Fat Country!

Why is that 98% of the food ads that are seen by children contains high levels of sugar, sodium, fats and much more? Are our children’s lives that worthless to these major fast food companies? “In 2006, more than 80 different media programs were used to promote food to children through brand licensing or toy…

Do It For The Kids!!!!

In today’s world children watch more than 40,000 commercials a year. Scary how much television our children watch right? What makes this situation even more scary is the amount of fast food ads that are included in those 40,000 commercials. To make this even more scary is how obesity has doubled in children over the…

One Of The Reasons Why Children Are So Obese!

As parents and guardians, it is our jobs to watch what our children eat. It is also our jobs to watch what our children are watching as well. What a lot of people don’t know is the brain does not stop developing until an individual is in their 20’s and some even their 30’s. Therefore…

Obesity Facts

Did you know that……… 70% of obeseĀ children ages 5 to 17 years old are at higher risk of high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Obese children and adolescents are at higher risk of being obese adults if they don’t change their eating habits and exercise more. This happy meal shown below is one of the…